Thursday, October 16, 2008

What's My Motha Fuckin' Name?

This week our big topic of conversation has been names. What are they? How exactly do you pronounce them? Etc. Etc..

I actually had a 10 minute (felt like 10 years) conversation with somebody on how exactly to pronounce her name. 'Otter' as I have nicknamed her, is quite proud of her name and deserves to be. She is very particular about how you say her name, and if you just happen to say it wrong, or slip on on a vowel... make no mistake, she will correct you. So, 'Otter' says to me:
'Otter': 'Spokes', how do you say my name?
'Spokes': Um.. what? Well, I guess I say 'Aw-tur'
'Otter': No, see, that is completely wrong.... it's 'Aw' like in Saw, 'tear'

In my head, I'm thinking you say to-may-toe, I say to-mah-toe... Who gives a flying fuck as long as you know I'm talking to you and you answer when i'm barkin' at you... but alas... 10 minutes (hours) of my life wasted. Which somehow brings me to the biggest gripe of my week.

How is it that I can work in an office with no more than say... 30 people... for 2 whole years... and you still don't know my name? I've talked to you on occasion. I pass your desk on my way out for lunch. You peek around the cubicle when I say highly inappropriate things at work and my roommate is your 'work wife'. AND... I HAVE A TRICKED OUT NAMETAG!! This boggles me... and bursts my bubble all at the same time. I'm sure you don't know this yet, but I'm kind of a big deal.... or so I thought. Thanks alot 'Pyro'. I'll be sure to get to all that inputting just as soon as you can remember to ask me by name!

I'm sure this wouldn't bug me as much, except that it's the second time this week. My roommates cousin did the same thing earlier this week. He is trying to hook up with my cousin (drama, I know) but doesn't know my name. I'm sure he will address my Wedding Invitation "To my Cousin's Roommate"...

This is bullshit. I used to be SPOKES! Everybody knew me and my name. Now it seems like I've been reduced to somebody's roommate, cousin, daughter, SISTER... and for sure fuck that last one. I'm the oldest of 2. When did people start calling me 'Angel's' (my brother) Sister?

Note to self: make sure every last motha fucka knows my name! VIVA SPOKES!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i've made the cut! i'm in the blog! :) but the information seems to be false. i have yet to be informed that there are any hook up sparks from one end of this dramatic high school love circle. haha.

but, on a different note, i like reading this. it makes me think about random stuff that i usually don't think about. it's nice!