Friday, March 04, 2011


Hmmm... I'm wondering.... Would I be able to post here and say whatever I want?  Without THOSE people noticing?  It's a thought.  A very clever one, I think.  Post right under their noses.... they'll never find it. 

Well... my first gripe??  You are addicted to Facebook.  You pretend to not know how to use technology and such, however, you find yourself completely able to comment on EVERYTHING!!!  And that wouldn't be so bad, except that you are always regurgitating the same 3 or 4 sayings.  I'm pretty sure you've been taken over by a religious cult and that sucks, cause I really used to like you.  Please don't take this too harshly, but you need to get a life away from facebook!  And this is coming from somebody who is off work and only has facebook to keep her company!

Second gripe?  Hmmm... it's not really a gripe... but I wish I could be 'friends' with my doctor.  He seems like he'd be fun...but mostly, I just wanna know a bunch about his personal life.  I feel like he knows me way better than I know him... inside and out, if ya know what I mean  =)  I just think it's fair that I get to know SOMETHING about you if you get to be ALL up in my business.  What kind of music do you listen to?  Do you play video games?  (cause I have a sneaking suspicion that he does)  Do you think you can play rockband better than me?  Or are you more of a World of Warcraft kinda dude... cause in that case.... keep it to yourself!  What do you do on weekends??  Most importantly... how old are you and are you straight?  Are you down for arranged marriages... because I know this great girl at work who doesn't care that you've never met, she needs to get married! 
Trust me, I know I'm probably crazy... but I don't care!  Is it so wrong for me to want to judge my doctor based on his lifestyle and not his actual medical background?  This is America!  All doctors have to pass tests and stuff and get certified.  Plus you work for Kaiser, so I know you are qualified to rummage around in my vagina.  What I need to know is... have you ever heard of Death Cab For Cutie?

Wow, that felt good.  Hopefully this incognito thing works... cause Shelly needs a vent.

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